Thursday, April 28, 2011

NFL Draft Party at Cowboys Stadium 2011!!

Tonight we took Hunter up to the Cowboys stadium for the NFL Draft Party.  It was free admission (tickets to games are absolutely outrageous during the football season) and since we love football at our house we had to go...even Nanny wanted to go!!  Last year we took Hunter and he could barely walk but now this year we had our little lineman running all over the place! He loved it soo much..definitely a yearly tradition at our house.  Go Cowboys!!

Here are few pictures from tonight..a few of them are blurry when I upload them on here..sorry!

Cowboys Stadium 2011

Had to see the BIG Truck..

Daddy and Hunter having it!

Hunter liked watching the Cowboys sat still for the entire dance!

Had to touch the fake grass the football players play on..

Something caught his eye..cute pic

My two boys

being silly playing tackle with daddy

Add caption

Posing in the tunnel the Cowboys enter the game on..

gotta love the wiggle worm that doesnt want to be held..


Throwing his little football!!

Nanny and my mom!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Many Easter Blessings!

Well we had such an awesome Easter this year!  Hunter's first Easter egg hunt in the new house was so much fun!  We enjoyed some yummy cinnamon rolls that morning.  We had some our neighbors come over with their son (Parker) and they hunted easter eggs in the backyard while the adults were able to sip on some mimosas.  Later that afternoon we went over to Nanny/Tappy's house to enjoy Easter dinner.  Nanny (Hunter's new word for my mom) made a delicious ham, homeade potato salad, asparagus, and a homeade pinapple cream pie! Yummo!! I love when they invite us over for meals. LOL!

Here are pictures from Easter Day!!

 Just coming down the stairs to find what the Easter Bunny brought!! This pictures makes me laugh so hard...barely

 He was really really excited about the choo-choo's daddy was opening! Love it!

 Easter Egg Hunting in our backyard!!

 Hunter and his buddy Parker hunting eggs!!

Hit the jackpot with this egg!! Cadburry Egg LOL
 My girlfriend Ashley and I

 Getting dressed for Nanny/Tappy's house..he is saying "Cheese" in this one!!

 Hunter and I before leaving for my parents house

 Egg Hunting round #2 at Nanny/Tappy's house

 Easter Bunny made a trip to Nanny/Tappy's house too!! Lucky Boy!!

 His favorite gift he received that entire day was his new electric Tigger Toothbrush from Nanny/Tappy!! 

 Easter Dinner 2011 

Storms rolled in right before we got home that day! Thankfully we live about 10 minutes from them!=)


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring Time Fun...

Last time I posted was pictures from Hunter's 2nd Birthday party...seems like ever since then time has been going in warp speed.  Ryan turned 33 on March 17th and we had a fun celebration dinner with his mom Carol that evening at Cheesecake Factory.  Yumm! Yumm! March is definitely a busy month for our family with both boys birthdays about a week apart.

At the end of the month of March we had a fabulous and quick trip to Austin for Ryan's job.  Quite a nice treat staying at a beautiful golf/spa resort and being treated to a 1 hour massage for free!! heck yeah!  Ryan was presented with a beautiful crystal award for sales performance at the company dinner ceremony.  I had a lot of fun seeing all his coworkers that I hear all about.  Now Ryan has his eye on the prize for this year  2011 and hopefully he can win President's Cabinet (this years winner gets a week long all expense paid trip to Paris) Fingers crossed!! Either way I am so incredibly proud of him and his hard work he does each day to provide a wonderful life for our family. 

Hunter is doing great and keeping us on our toes each day!  Lately he obsessed with "Tapa" (grandpa) and "tapa's truck or tapa's boat".  We are going through a new phase where he has definitely become a daddy's/grandpa's boy.  I try to squeeze a hug or a quick kiss in when I can=) 

We have been battling chronic ear infections ever since Hunter started his Mother's Day Out program (he goes 2 times a week from 9-2am).  Man they werent kidding that kids will pick up everything from school and bring it home with them.  After going through about 5-6 ear infections we decided with his ENT Dr. that it was time to go ahead and place ear tubes.  Hunter had surgery on Friday April 15 at about 7:30am.  Thankfully it was seriously the quickest and easiest surgical procedure that a child can have. They gave him an inhaled medication to help relax him before being taken away from us.  The drug apparently causes a temporary abnesia and makes them feel like they have had a couple cocktails.  We went in our waiting room and almost 2 minutes later his ENT Dr. came back in to tell us he was finished and everything went great.  His left ear still had a raging ear infection that was diagnosed 2 days earlier.  We are currently on ear drops 2x times a day for 7 days.  After that we will cross our fingers for no more ear infections.  If he does end up getting one I will apparently be able to tell by seeing drainage from the ear and then I know to immediately start the antibiotic drops for 3 days till the drainage stops.  So much easier on him and mama by not having to continuosly take a oral antiobiotic. 

Thankfully today(day after ear tube surgery)  Hunter was feeling good enough to go to our city's Easter Egg Hunt.  He had so much fun picking up the candy and eggs and putting them inside his Elmo Easter Eggg Basket.  After the Egg Hunt we went and saw a Fire Truck(Another one of his favorites at the moment).  He got to sit inside and mama got a few pictures.  Hunter also was able to go see a bunch of baby animals in a mini petting zoo they had set up and even got to ride a mini pony!  Great day and definitely needed after having a rough surgery day the day before.

Next up on our family schedule is our family vacation to Destin/Fort Walton Beach.  We are about 15 days away from our week long trip and it can't come soon enough.  This will be Hunter's first time seeing sand at the beach and his first time traveling on a plane.  Thankfully we were able to take care of the ear issue and hopefully make the flying on the plane a little more pleasant for him.  I have to admit I am a getting nervous trying to make a 2 year old sit on a plane for 2 hours.  Definitely gonna have his bag packed full of treats and toys to whip out one by one as needed during the flight. 

Okay here are some of the pics from our Easter Egg Hunt this morning...

Hunter and Mommy before the Egg Hunt

 Look Eggs!

 Grandma and Hunter

 The Three of Us!!

Daddy, Hunter and Nonna

 "Tapa" and Hunter

Searching for Eggs

Fire them..such a boy!

Almost lost his mind with the Fire Truck..

Holding his two favorite peoples hands..."Tapa" and "Daddy"..

Petting zoo

Definitely not afraid of the animals

Trying to pick up the

Pony Ride

 More pictures for sure to come...Next weekend is Easter Sunday..Cannot wait to have our Easter Egg Hunt in the new house backyard!! Gonna be so much fun=)
